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Ny ver av SP ute, 10.1a !!
7 svar hittills.

Fredag 19 Januari 2007, 20:00 Ny ver av SP ute, 10.1a !! (Ursprungligt inlägg)

Vet ej vad det nya består av än.

Mvh Anders (n0)

Anders Stenström | e-post

Lördag 20 Januari 2007, 17:16 Ny ver av SP ute, 10.1a !!

This version adds the following new features :

MultiMap support

There is a new output option in the I/O settings dialog which
relates to MultiMap. If you are connected to the Internet, you can
see the position of a designated ship in a MultiMap browser window.

Recall that to designate a ship, you right click on it and then
click OK in the ship information dialog. The details of a
designated ship appear in the ShipPlotter status bar at the right
hand end.

If the MultiMap option is checked, then a web browser opens and a
MultiMap display has the designated ship marked in the centre. The
name of the designated ship appears in the title of the browser
window. The scale of the browser window is chosen to approximate to
the scale of the current ShipPlotter window within the limits
imposed by MultiMap's available scales. This option is most useful,
I would suggest, if you want to drive down to the part of the port
in which a specific ship is docked. MultiMap street plans are
excellent but they do not show any detail in open water. Note that
it does not show the dynamic attributes of the designated ship and
that other ships are not shown. These features are not available
with the API that I am using to access MultiMap.

Alert zone message

If a ship enters a user-defined alert zone, the alerting message now
includes the ship's heading. If you use the Alert Shell function in
ShipPlotter to send yourself an SMS message whenever a ship enters
your zone, the message now includes the heading. This allows you to
distinguish, say, northbound and southbound ships in a section of
seaway, when you read the SMS message.

Aids to Navigation reports

I have added more information to the log file record from an Aid to
Navigation. The 'off-station' flag is now reported and the
regionally defined bits are also sent to the log file.

Binary message decoding

The nationally defined binary message with DAC 1022 and Fl 62 is now
decoded and sent to the log file.

SAR aircraft reports - better treatment

Quite by chance I picked up an overflying SAR aircraft. Unlike all
the other SAR aircraft messages that I have ever seen, that have
used normal ship position report messages (type 1), this one used
the proper SAR aircraft format (message 9). It also used message 5
to identify itself. I found that this largely untested feature did
not retain the aircraft name from the message 5 when subsequent
message 9s came in. This issue is fixed in this release.

Ozi Explorer support

I looked into the reported lack of shared ships on Ozi Explorer
charts and could not find any fault. Perhaps Ozi Explorer users
could look again at this issue.

Some aspects of these features cannot be adequately tested live from
my current location. Please let me know if there are any matters



Lördag 20 Januari 2007, 18:50 Ny ver av SP ute, 10.1a !!

10.1 >> 10.1a

It addresses the issue raised by Don regarding a Telnet into the SP
server causing a crash. This must hve been around for some time but
it was described as "Urgent" so I "FIXed" it. I suppose given that
the vulnerability was publicized, it made it more important to solve
in case any miscreant wanted to exploit it. Anyway it is now dealt
with. As Don pointed out, a port scanning villain could have
toppled SP if the output server was enabled. Maybe some
inexplicable crashes will disappear as a result.

I have taken the opportunity to reduce the processor load in
situations where the SP server or the Google Earth server are
enabled. So, if you had performance issues with either of those
enabled (especially with a large number of active ships), you may
find relief in this version.

There are also some editorial changes to the Help file.



Lördag 27 Januari 2007, 23:24 Ny ver av SP ute, 10.1a !!

SP 10.1d ute nu.

Mvh Anders

Anders S

Söndag 18 Februari 2007, 11:11 Ny ver av SP ute, 10.1a !!

10.1f ute.

Mvh Anders

Anders | e-post

Söndag 18 Februari 2007, 11:54 Ny ver av SP ute, 10.1a !!

Var hittade du den ?
På SeaClears hemsida finns bara versionen från december.


Göran | e-post | hemsida

Söndag 18 Februari 2007, 11:56 Ny ver av SP ute, 10.1a !!

Sorry !!!

Total kortslutning i huvudet !!!

Glöm inlägget.


Göran | e-post | hemsida

Söndag 18 Februari 2007, 14:44 Ny ver av SP ute, 10.1a !!

:-), skönt att det inte bara är jag som tänker galet ibland.

Mvh Anders

Anders | e-post

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